Export Formats

We currently support three annotation export formats for the object detector and one for the image classifier.

To export the annotation data:

  • Select the parent section, subsection or archive for the selection of files you wish to export.
  • Tap the ellipsis button in the filing panel and choose the Export Annotations item.
    This will disclose the export formats. For the image classifier there is a single item: Export Zips. For the object detector there are three items: CoreML YOLO JSON, COCO Text and Pascal VOC XML.
  • Choose the export format that you wish to use.
    This will open a document picker sheet where you select a folder for export. You can navigate around the filing structure and create a new folder if you wish.
Export Zips #

This will export all the files in the selected container into zip files, each containing files with a chosen label. Each zip file will have the filename of the label followed by the .zip file extension.


This will export a single JSON file with annotations for each file in the selected container where the file is an image and which has at least one box. Any files with no boxes are not included. The file name will be annotations.json.

An example of a CoreML YOLO JSON file with two images each with a single box.

    "image" : "02c6780bb9346b8e37f9d343f0911994_3A7XX_scaled.jpg",
    "annotations" : [
        "label" : "Bar",
        "uniqueIdentifier" : "4E6FA307-C3E8-4C1B-B248-B5633396E954",
        "coordinates" : {
          "width" : 38,
          "y" : 263.5,
          "x" : 89,
          "height" : 9
    "image" : "031ea44ba33d58ee025d358532878513_3A1XX_scaled.jpg",
    "annotations" : [
        "uniqueIdentifier" : "A239361B-BA2C-4BE4-AD0B-08F611990E90",
        "coordinates" : {
          "x" : 284,
          "y" : 155.5,
          "height" : 9,
          "width" : 34
        "label" : "Bar"
COCO Text #

This will export a text file for each file in the selected container where the file is an image and which has at least one box. Any files with no boxes do not export an annotation file. The file name will be that of the image file followed by the .txt file extension. This format refers to each labelled box by its class index so you must ensure this is set for each label.

An example of a COCO text file with 11 box annoations.

2 0.87620 0.49159 0.03125 0.03606
3 0.87620 0.58293 0.03606 0.04087
0 0.71034 0.58654 0.08413 0.01923
6 0.87861 0.39904 0.03125 0.03365
1 0.05649 0.31851 0.05048 0.05529
1 0.87740 0.30529 0.03846 0.04327
4 0.06130 0.54688 0.04567 0.05048
5 0.06130 0.44351 0.01683 0.05048
0 0.71154 0.41827 0.07692 0.02404
0 0.22115 0.32452 0.08654 0.01923
0 0.71154 0.33654 0.08173 0.01923
Pascal VOC XML #

This will export an XML file for each file in the selected container where the file is an image and which has at least one box. Any files with no boxes do not export an annotation file. The file name will be that of the image file followed by the .xml file extension.

An example of a Pascal VOC XML file with a single object.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>