Import Formats

We currently support importing one annotation format and that is for the object detector in the CoreML YOLO JSON format.

To import annotation data:

  • Select the parent section, subsection or archive for the selection of files you wish to annotate.
  • Tap the ellipsis button in the filing panel and choose the Import Annotations item.
    This will open a document picker sheet where you select a JSON annotation file.

An example of a CoreML YOLO JSON file with two images each with a single box.

    "image" : "02c6780bb9346b8e37f9d343f0911994_3A7XX_scaled.jpg",
    "annotations" : [
        "label" : "Bar",
        "uniqueIdentifier" : "4E6FA307-C3E8-4C1B-B248-B5633396E954",
        "coordinates" : {
          "width" : 38,
          "y" : 263.5,
          "x" : 89,
          "height" : 9
    "image" : "031ea44ba33d58ee025d358532878513_3A1XX_scaled.jpg",
    "annotations" : [
        "uniqueIdentifier" : "A239361B-BA2C-4BE4-AD0B-08F611990E90",
        "coordinates" : {
          "x" : 284,
          "y" : 155.5,
          "height" : 9,
          "width" : 34
        "label" : "Bar"