
You can create and edit your own settings files for importing into ToolZ. These are either .plist or .json files. You may find it easier to edit the settings first in ToolZ and then export the file first before editing. These files can be shared amongst your team and provide a consistent set of parameters, labels and label groups when classifying images.

All the root keys are optional. If unspecified and importing creates a new configuration, unspecified keys will take a default value. If overwriting an existing configuration unspecified keys will have no affect.

Root Keys #
ZOModelTypeNumber0 – Object Detector
1 – Image Classifier
ZOLabelGroupsArrayAn array of dictionaries. See below for a description of the group dictionary keys.
ZOLabelsArrayAn array of dictionaries. See below for a description of the label dictionary keys.
ZOFilterMinimumRangeWidthNumberMinimum allowable pixel width for filtering.
ZOFilterMaximumRangeWidthNumberMaximum allowable pixel width for filtering.
ZOFilterMinimumRangeHeightNumberMinimum allowable pixel height for filtering.
ZOFilterMaximumRangeHeightNumberMaximum allowable pixel height for filtering.
ZOFilterMinimumWidthNumberMinimum pixel width for filtering. This value must be between ZOFilterMinimumRangeWidth – ZOFilterMaximumRangeWidth and small than ZOFilterMaximumWidth.
ZOFilterMaximumWidthNumberMaximum pixel width for filtering. This value must be between ZOFilterMinimumRangeWidth – ZOFilterMaximumRangeWidth and greater than ZOFilterMinimumWidth.
ZOFilterMinimumHeightNumberMaximum pixel width for filtering. This value must be between ZOFilterMinimumRangeHeight – ZOFilterMaximumRangeHeight and smaller than ZOFilterMaximumHeight.
ZOFilterMaximumHeightNumberMaximum pixel width for filtering. This value must be between ZOFilterMinimumRangeHeight – ZOFilterMaximumRangeHeight and greater than ZOFilterMinimumHeight.
ZOFilterMinimumAreaNumberMinimum pixel area for filtering. This value must be smaller than ZOFilterMaximumArea.
ZOFilterMaximumAreaNumberMaximum pixel area for filtering. This value must be greater than ZOFilterMinimumArea.
ZOFilterMinimumRedNumberMinimum value for filtering the red channel when using the RGB colour model. It must be smaller than ZOFilterMaximumRed and in the range 0…1
ZOFilterMaximumRedNumberMaximum value for filtering the red channel when using the RGB colour model. It must be greater than ZOFilterMinimumRed and in the range 0…1
ZOFilterMinimumGreenNumberMinimum value for filtering the green channel when using the RGB colour model. It must be smaller than ZOFilterMaximumGreen and in the range 0…1
ZOFilterMaximumGreenNumberMaximum value for filtering the green channel when using the RGB colour model. It must be greater than ZOFilterMinimumGreen and in the range 0…1
ZOFilterMinimumBlueNumberMinimum value for filtering the blue channel when using the RGB colour model. It must be smaller than ZOFilterMaximumBlue and in the range 0…1
ZOFilterMaximumBlueNumberMaximum value for filtering the blue channel when using the RGB colour model. It must be greater than ZOFilterMinimumBlue and in the range 0…1
ZOFilterMinimumYNumberMinimum value for filtering the luminance channel when using the YCrCb colour model. It must be smaller than ZOFilterMaximumY and in the range 0…1
ZOFilterMaximumYNumberMaximum value for filtering the luminance channel when using the YCrCb colour model. It must be greater than ZOFilterMinimumY and in the range 0…1
ZOFilterMinimumCrNumberMinimum value for filtering the Cr channel when using the YCrCb colour model. It must be smaller than ZOFilterMaximumCr and in the range 0…1
ZOFilterMaximumCrNumberMaximum value for filtering the Cr channel when using the YCrCb colour model. It must be greater than ZOFilterMinimumCr and in the range 0…1
ZOFilterMinimumCbNumberMinimum value for filtering the Cb channel when using the YCrCb colour model. It must be smaller than ZOFilterMaximumCb and in the range 0…1
ZOFilterMaximumCbNumberMaximum value for filtering the Cb channel when using the YCrCb colour model. It must be greater than ZOFilterMinimumCb and in the range 0…1
ZOFilterMinimumHueNumberMinimum value for filtering the hue channel when using the HSV colour model. It must be smaller than ZOFilterMaximumHue and in the range 0…1
ZOFilterMaximumHueNumberMaximum value for filtering the hue channel when using the HSV colour model. It must be greater than ZOFilterMinimumHue and in the range 0…1
ZOFilterMinimumSaturationNumberMinimum value for filtering the saturation channel when using the HSV colour model. It must be smaller than ZOFilterMaximumSaturation and in the range 0…1
ZOFilterMaximumSaturationNumberMaximum value for filtering the saturation channel when using the HSV colour model. It must be greater than ZOFilterMinimumSaturation and in the range 0…1
ZOFilterMinimumValueNumberMinimum value for filtering the value channel when using the HSV colour model. It must be smaller than ZOFilterMaximumValue and in the range 0…1
ZOFilterMaximumValueNumberMaximum value for filtering the value channel when using the HSV colour model. It must be greater than ZOFilterMinimumValue and in the range 0…1
ZOFilterMinimumGLVNumberMinimum value for filtering the grey level variance. It must be smaller than ZOFilterMaximumGLV and in the range 0…0.2
ZOFilterMaximumGLVNumberMaximum value for filtering the grey level variance. It must be greater than ZOFilterMinimumGLV and in the range 0…0.2
ZOFilterMinimumCoVNumberMinimum value for filtering the coefficient of variation. It must be smaller than ZOFilterMaximumCoV and in the range 0…0.2
ZOFilterMaximumCoVNumberMaximum value for filtering the coefficient of variation. It must be greater than ZOFilterMinimumCoV and in the range 0…0.2
ZOFilterColorModelNumber0 – RGB
1 – YCrCb
2 – HSV
ZOModelComputeUnitsNumber0 – CPU Only
1 – CPU and GPU
2 – All Compute Units
Label Keys #
ZOLabelStringA non-optional unique string to identify the label. This must be specified and be unique within ToolZ. It is used when saving metadata in images and exporting data for model training.
ZOClassIndexNumberAn optional number used when a label should use a class index rather than a string value. These do not need to be unique within ToolZ but it is likely you will want them to be unique within a settings configuration.
ZODisplayNameStringAn optional string that is displayed in the ToolZ interface instead of the ZOLabel. You may wish to use short codes for the labels but longer, more meaningful strings for display.
ZOColorStringEither a color name recognised to iOS, such as; ‘black’ or ‘orange’ or a hex string in the format #RRGGBB.
Label Group Keys #
ZODisplayNameStringA non-optional display name for the label group.
ZOLabelTypesArrayAn array of strings that refer to each label to include in the group. This references the ZOLabel described above.